As an Indie Author, I learned one thing that I'm sure other authors will agree with--we can't do it on our own. That's why we show support to our fellow authors!
One thing in particular has been a big help to me. Of course, you do have to have Google Chrome to use it, just so you know. It's called Writer Watch and it's FREE!
First, the link:
Got to your store and install it because it's a watch dog!
So, here's how this extension works...
Once it is installed, this awesome feature keeps an eye on your books on Amazon. It let's you know how many followers you have, alerts you when you get a new review, and it keeps an eye on your rankings. If your rankings go down and you're not making money, that's a big sign that someone is stealing your hard work. It's also a cue when the rankings disappear, like it did for me.
Of course, if you're not selling and other people in the genre are, your ranking is going to go up. It can be depressing to see that happen.
But there are other things it does too lol. You can actually add other people's books to the list and watch them as well. If you're a helper, and don't write, you can keep an eye on all your clients' books in one place, which is pretty cool. Here's mine, as of this posting.

Do you see that orange part at the top? (In your box), you click on the link and it takes you to another cool feature where you have help writing your blurbs. It is a form of AI, but it does help when you're stuck. You type in what you have, and this feature makes it a little better. Below that, you have your name and the followers. I just gained one so that's cool. If you click on the "arrow" next to name and followers, you can delete a book on the list. You'll have to scroll down to see all of your books unless you only have one or two. Mine is long so I would have to scroll to see all of them.
Once you have it installed, and you want to add a book that isn't on your list (say a friend's), you go to the Amazon book page, open this extension, and click on "+Add Book", and bam it's added! That easy. When you install it and it is activated, Writer Watch does add in your books for you so you don't have to go through every page and click on the button for it. That helps. And the website writerwatch.com has other features like blogs and a support system where you can get help with any questions. You can also see your books listed on the site (bigger page) that gives you information too.
So, that's the story of a watch dog for Authors that I think we all need and it doesn't matter if you're an Indie Author or not. Traditional Authors can benefit from it too! These people don't care--they just want to help us out and that is why it's FREE! So, spread the word and get a helping hand so you can focus on the more important things--like writing!
I love comments, so please let me know you were here. Thank you, so much!
