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POV (point of view)

Writer's picture: Amber Grosjean (author)Amber Grosjean (author)

Point of View is the method in which you tell your story. First person, second, or third. One is more limited than the others, all three are good choices and depends on your story.

I go back and forth between 2. First and Third.

When I started writing, everything was written in first because I put myself in the story. Whether I was a man or a woman, it was me in the driver's seat, so to speak. I've learned so much since those days.

At the time, I didn't know I could still put myself in the story by telling it in third person. I'm laughing because that's the POV I use the most now. I read somewhere that a story should be told as if you're in a video game, but that concept doesn't work for me. As a big-time movie viewer, that concept works better for me. Let me explain.

In movies, there is more than one POV. The viewer sees all the action between the players on the board (the actors). You see what the camera sees. It is how my mind sees things, so it makes sense to tell the story like it's a movie. Of course, many of my stories only have one POV, but I do have several where the camera is showing more than just the main character--sometimes that person isn't in view. I'm actually preferring those stories now that I have the concept down, but every story is different so I've been staying true to each story. When it has to be told through duel POV then I will use multiple point of views. If I can tell the story using one, I'll use one.

I can still get inside the heads of the characters. I'm telling the story so I can do whatever I want lol. So when I need to share someone's thoughts, I will. But not every character. That's a little too much.

How do you choose which method to use or who's POV you use? For me, it depends on the story. I think to myself how I want to tell the story. It's something I choose before I begin writing. I've gotten to the point now, that I really don't think about it—I just do it. It's been a long time since I came up with the realization that third person could be used. I hadn't been published yet and was trying to get Peterson Estate published. After all those rejections, I decided to give it a try and I liked the story so much better. I felt like Emily was a different person and this made her come to life. I gave her a new voice. In my head, she even sounded different than I did. Now I have all these people in my head, and each person sounds different. They have different personalities--the way they talk, think--all different from me. It's such a cool feeling being able to witness this transformation I've gone through. I'm still growing too.

What POV do you prefer? How did you reach this state you're in? Please comment below. Thank you!!

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